
Working Papers

- Efficient Economic Rent Taxation under a Global Minimum Corporate Tax
  Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation Working Paper 2024-10, 2024 (with Andualem Mengistu)

- Excess Profit Taxes: Historical Perspective and Contemporary Relevance
  IMF Working Paper September, 2022 (with Dinar Prihardini and Nate Vernon)
  Covered in: Financial Times
  Compact summary in EconPol Policy Briefs

- Does a Wealth Tax Improve Equality of Opportunity?
  IMF Working Paper March, 2021 (with Kristoffer Berg)

- How Does Profit Shifting Affect the Balance of Payments?
  IMF Working Paper, February, 2021 (with Alexander Klemm and Yuou Wu)

Peer-Reviewed Articles

- Cryptocarbon: How Much Is the Corrective Tax?
  (with Nate Vernon-Lin) Energy Economics , 2024, vol. 138, 107827. Blog

- Pareto-Improving Minimum Corporate Taxation
  (with Michael Keen) Journal of Public Economics , 2023, vol. 225, 104952. Blog

- Taxing Cryptocurrencies
  (with Katherine Baer, Ruud de Mooij, and Michael Keen)

Oxford Review of Economic Policy , 2023, vol. 39(3), pp. 478–497. Blog

- Exploring Residual Profit Allocation
  (with Sebastian Beer, Ruud A. de Mooij, Michael Keen, & Li Liu) American Economic Journal:

Economic Policy , 2023, vol. 15(1), pp. 70–109.

- Do Audits Improve Future Tax Compliance in the Absence of Penalties? Evidence from Random Audits
  in Norway (with Zhiyang Ji, Knut Løyland, Thor O. Thoresen & Arnstein Øvrum)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , 2023, vol. 70, pp. 305–326.

- Can Government Demand Stimulate Private Investment? Evidence from U.S. Federal Procurement
  (with Tom Zimmermann) Journal of Monetary Economics , 2021, vol. 128, pp. 178–194.

- At Your Service! The Role of Tax Havens in International Trade with Services
  (with Niels Johannesen ) European Economic Review , 2021, vol. 135, pp. 1–25

- Revenue Implications of Destination Based Cash Flow Taxation (with Alexander Klemm and
Saila N. Stausholm ) IMF Economic Review , 2020, vol. 68, pp. 848–874.

- A Destination-Based Allowance for Corporate Equity (with Alexander Klemm)
International Tax and Public Finance , 2020, vol. 27, 753–777.

- Curbing Corporate Debt Bias: Do Limitations to Interest Deductibility Work? (with Ruud De Mooij)
Journal of Banking and Finance , 2018, vol. 96, 368–378.

- Revisiting the Narrative Approach of Estimating Tax Multipliers (with Tom Zimmermann)
Scandinavian Journal of Economics , 2018, vol. 120, pp. 428–439.

- Evaluating the Effects of ACE Systems on Multinational Debt Financing and Investment (with Martin Ruf )
Journal of Public Economics , 2017, vol. 156, pp. 131–149.

- Toward a Mutualization of European Unemployment Insurance? On Limiting the Downsides of a
  Fiscal Transfer System for the Eurozone, (with Alfons Weichenrieder)
CESifo Economic Studies , 2016, vol. 62 (2), pp. 376–395.

- A Journey from a Corruption Port to a Tax Haven (with Vilen Lipatov)
Journal of Comparative Economics , 2014, vol. 42 (3), pp. 739–754.

- Money at the Docks of Tax Havens: A Guide
FinanzArchiv / Pubic Finance Analysis , 2014, vol. 70 (3), pp. 458–485.

- Estimating the Effects of Coordinated Fiscal Actions in the Euro Area (with Tom Zimmermann)
European Economic Review , 2013, vol. 58 (Feb), 110–121.

- The Effects of Discretionary Fiscal Policy on Macroeconomic Aggregates: A Reappraisal
Journal of Economic Surveys , 2011, vol. 25 (4), pp. 674–707.

- The Effects of Taxation on the Location Decision of Multinational Firms: M&A vs. Greenfield Investments
  (with Martin Ruf and Alfons Weichenrieder)
National Tax Journal , 2011, vol. 64 (3), pp. 817–838.

- International Debt Shifting and Multinational Firms in Developing Economies
  (with Clemens Fuest and Nadine Riedel)
Economics Letters , 2011, vol. 113 (2), pp. 135–138.

- Debt Financing and Sharp Currency Depreciations: Wholly versus Partially-Owned Multinational Affiliates
  (with Alfons Weichenrieder)
Review of World Economics / Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv , 2010, vol. 146 (2), pp. 281–302.

Chapters in Books

- Deciphering the GloBE in a Low-Tax Jurisdiction
  in: Arjan Lejour and Dirk Schindler (Eds.), Chapter 20. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2024.
  (with Cory Hillier and Andualem Mengistu)
  Research Handbook on the Economics of Tax Havens

- Global Firms, National Corporate Taxes: An Evolution of Incompatibility
  in: De Mooij, R., Klemm, A., and Perry, V. (Eds.), Chapter 4. Washington DC: IMF. 2021.
  Corporate Income Taxes Under Pressure: Why Reform Is Needed and How It Can Be Designed?

- Has Tax Competition Become Less Harmful?
  in: De Mooij, R., Klemm, A., and Perry, V. (Eds.), Chapter 6. Washington DC: IMF. 2021.
  Corporate Income Taxes Under Pressure: Why Reform Is Needed and How It Can Be Designed?

- Destination-Based Taxation: A Promising but Risky Destination
  in: De Mooij, R., Klemm, A., and Perry, V. (Eds.), Chapter 13. Washington DC: IMF. 2021.
  (With Alexander Klemm)
  Corporate Income Taxes Under Pressure: Why Reform Is Needed and How It Can Be Designed?

- Options for Origin- and Destination-Based Rent Taxes in the Netherlands
  in: Cnossen, S. and Jacobs, B. (Eds.), Chapter 11. Oxford University Press. 2022. Avilbale in Dutch, 2021.
  (With Alexander Klemm)
  Tax by Design for the Netherlands.

- Formulary Methods in International Taxation
  in: Cnossen, S. and Jacobs, B. (Eds.), Chapter 12. Oxford University Press. 2022. Avilbale in Dutch, 2021.
  (with Ruud De Mooij and Li Liu)
  Tax by Design for the Netherlands.

- International Profit Shifting and Multinational Firms in Developing Economies
  in: Fuest, C., and Zodrow, G. (Eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 145–166. 2013.
  (with Clemens Fuest and Nadine Riedel)
  Critical Issues in Taxation and Development

Policy Papers

- How To Tax Wealth?
  (with Alexander Klemm, Geerten Michielse, and Carolina Osorio Buitron)
How-To Note No. 2024/001, March 2024

- Lebanon: Putting Tax Policy Back on Track
  (with Svetlana Cerovic, Michael Keen, Lydia Sofrona, Nate Vernon, and Christophe Waerzeggers)
Technical Assistance Country Report No. 2023/008, January 2023

- Romania: Reforming Personal Income Taxation
  (with Naomi Feldman, Jean-Francois Wen, and Philippe Wingender)
Technical Assistance Country Report No. 2022/199, June 2022

- Maldives: Estimating Tax Expenditures
  (with Marc Seguin and Nate Vernon)
Technical Assistance Country Report No. 2021/234, October 2021

- Capital Income Taxation in the Netherlands
  (with Alexander Klemm and Christophe Waerzeggers)
IMF Working Paper No. Wp/21/145, May 2021

- COVID-19 Recovery Contributions
  (with an IMF team)
Special Series on COVID-19, April 2021

- Tax Policy for Inclusive Growth after the Pandemic
  (with an IMF team)
Special Series on COVID-19, December 2020

- Chile — Assessment of Tax Expenditures and Corrective Taxes
  (with an IMF-OECD team)
Technical-Assistance-Report (No. 2020/305), November 2020

- Germany — Tax Pressures and Reforms Options
  (with Victoria Perry and Alexander Klemm)
Tax Note International, 2019


- Maldives — Reform Options to Strengthen Tax Policy
  (with Lee Burns and John Norregaard)
Technical-Assistance-Report (No. 19/196), IMF, 2019

- Attractive Tax Jurisdictions
University of Barcelona, IEB Report 4, 2018


- Taxation of Corporations in Switzerland
  (with Stephen Shay)
Selected Issues Paper, IMF, 2018

- Capital Income Tax Reform in Denmark
  (with Alexander Klemm and Cory Hillier)
Tax Note International, 2018

Selected Issues Paper, IMF, 2018

- Growth-Enhancing Corporate Tax Reform in Belgium
  (with Ruud De Mooij and Milena Hrdinkova)
Nordic Tax Journal, vol. 2018, Issue (1).

- Italy: Toward a Growth-Friendly Fiscal Reform
  (with Michal Andrle, Alvar Kangur, and Mehdi Raissi)
Economia Politica, forthcoming, 2020

IMF WP/18/59, 2018

- A Review of Capital Taxation in France
  (with Mario Mansour, Victoria J. Perry, and Christophe J. Waerzeggers)
Tax Note International, Nov. 2017

- On Deficits and Symmetries in a Fiscal Capacity
  (with Alfons Weichenrieder)
SAFE Working Paper No. 112, 2015

- What Do We Know about the Tax Planning of German-Based Multinational Firms
  (with Alfons Weichenrieder)
CESifo DICE Report 4/2014 (Winter)

Contribution to IMF Flagship and Policy Publications

- Coordinating Taxation Across Borders
IMF Fiscal Monitor, Chapter 2, April 2022 (lead author)

- Taxing Multinationals in Europe
IMF European and Fiscal Affairs Departments, May 2021

- Corporate Taxation in the Global Economy
IMF Policy Papers, March 2019

- Tax Policy, Leverage and Macroeconomic Stability
IMF Policy Papers, October 2016

- Fiscal Policies for Innovation and Growth
Fiscal Monitor, Chapter 2, April 2016