- International Monetary Fund
  Fiscal Affairs Department / Tax Policy Division
  700 19th Street, NW
  Washington, D.C., 20431
  E-mail: shebous _AT_ imf.org

- Other Affiliations
CESifo Research Fellow, Munich

New Papers
Cryptocarbon: How Much Is the Corrective Tax?
With Nate Vernon-Lin, Energy Economics, 2024, vol. 138, 107827.

Efficient Economic Rent Taxation under a Global Minimum Corporate Tax
With Andualem Mengistu, Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation Working Paper 2024-10

Deciphering the GloBE in a Low-Tax Jurisdiction
With Cory Hillier and Andualem Mengistu, IMF WP No. 2024/064
Forthcoming in Research Handbook on the Economics of Tax Havens

How to Tax Wealth
With Alexander Klemm, Geerten Michielse, and Caroline Osorio

Blogs & Policy Entries
Carbon Emissions from AI and Crypto Are Surging and Tax Policy Can Help
IMF Blog